October 2009

The Tragedy of 80's Hair

Curiously missing in action during the 1980’s were not only the Fashion Police, but the hair police as well. I don’t know if it was the multitude of cheap hairspray like Aquanet that was so readily available, or an apparent ease for beauty school licensing, but pretty much across the board, hair styles in the 1980’s left more than a little something to be desired.

The tools of the trade were often a comb, the aforementioned Aquanet, the godawful hair-damaging sun-bleaching product known as Sun-in, and big-assed hair-dryers. Just in case you are on the look-out for a little inspiration before you head to that 80’s retro party you’ve been planning to go, check out the following styles and choose wisely.

Fashion Trends for Spring 2010

Fashion and music will always walk hand in hand down the runway and through our lives. To be seperated from either for very long, is to become out of touch with the glory of what it means to be human. Our capacity to create and express ourselves is unmatched by any other creature on the planet. The worlds of art, theater, literature, poetry, music, and social, political, emotional, and environmental concerns all collide in the mind of a designer, season after season. It is the clothing we wear and how we wear it that make these ideas more personal to us and therefore, while fashion may seem a silly extravagance to some... it is in fact, the mark of awakened human consciousness and the acknowledgment of our love and mastery, as creators. Most importantly, fashion is fun and after looking into what to expect for Spring 2010, I am excited by the 'new music' the designers have in store for us.

The Michelle Obama Action Figure

Real life superheroes are few and far between, but soon Michelle Obama herself will join the ranks of such elites as "The Dude", "Jessie Ventura", and her own man, Mr. Prez himself. That's right- Michelle Obama is getting her very own action figure. Not only is the Michelle Obama action figure hot, her clothes are based on three real-life outfits she has worn.

The Kick-Ass Artistry of Hair Wars

I've never been to a hair show in my life, but if I did, I would definitely check out Hair Wars Detroit.  The genius concept of Hair Wars Detroit was the brain-child of a Detroit DJ known in Detroit circles as "Hump the Grinder", which is just about the best name for a DJ that I've ever heard. It started off as a way for local hair stylists to show off their hair-style creations and evolved into something bigger.

The Incredible Looks of Carla Bruni

Michelle Obama may definitely have it going on when it comes to fashion, but Carla Bruni, aka Mrs. Sarkosky, is no slouch in eyes of the world when it comes to looking your best. In addition to her fashion career, the former fashion model has had a successful music career- I haven't heard her, so I can't vouch how much of her success was based on her top-notch looks.

This picture is a personal favorite of mine because I think it's always important for a musician's guitar to match her boots.

She is also rumored to have signed a contract to be in a Woody Allen film. The rumor is unconfirmed as of yet, so don't get too excited, but it definitely does add to her mystique.