“Tim Gunn’s Guide to Style” a Hit!

“Tim Gunn’s Guide to Style” a Hit!

The premise of Tim Gunn’s latest television show is that he transforms fashion-challenged women to become hip and stylish, looking their best in a variety of situations. He not only improves her wardrobe, but also sends her to make up artists, hairdressers, and even a “life stylist.” Improving on TLC’s “What Not to Wear,” Mr. Gunn’s class, sense of humor, and adages make this show fun to watch and informational for viewers looking for their own sense of style. Fans can also visit his blog on BravoTv.com to find more fashion advice. However, it seems that Tim Gunn’s Guide to Style is simply an extension of his role on Project Runway – the quirky stylistic critic with endless platitudes and a pretentious vocabulary. But everyone wants to watch others receive fashion criticism while simultaneously learning how they can improve themselves, and so the show has gained immense popularity. Not to mention, Mr. Gunn’s idiosyncrasies are endearing, and contribute to his overall appeal and sweet nature. Yet, one must wonder – how long can the show go on? How many women can Mr. Gunn transform before people realize that they’re watching the same episodes of women getting makeovers again and again? But shows that makeover someone’s look, house, or even life are hugely popular. This perhaps speaks to the audience’s desire to rebuild aspects of their own lives, but can’t do so for one reason or another, and instead settle to live through others’ lives vicariously. And so shows like Tim Gunn’s Guide to Style continue to thrive. Tim Gunn’s Guide to Style airs on Bravo every Thursday at 10/0c.