Fall Fashion

Fall Fashion

But can you wear it?

Fall has always been my favorite season. I love the colors of the leaves, especially in the Midwest where I grew up, and how you can walk down a street full of yellows and reds and oranges. I love the smell of bonfires in the air. I like school starting up again, and even though I’m not going to school this year, everything feels like new again in the fall because of clean, white sheets of paper and unrubbed erasers. But one of my favorite things about fall is the fashion.

I guess I wouldn’t necessarily label my fall wardrobe—or my wardrobe at any time of the year—“fashionable.” I have a lot of scarves and a lot of cardigans and a lot of leather boots. That’s probably my saving grace in the fall—I can put a lot of layers on my body and call it fashion!

So that’s why I’ve been upset this year in Seattle and will continue to be upset this fall when I move to Thailand. In Seattle, there’s a constant drizzle in the air and if it’s not drizzling currently, the moisture hangs in the air, ready to make your cashmere sweaters and pea coats stink of damp wool. In Thailand, it’s hot 12 months out of the year, so that probably means that I continue dressing like shit, but also looking worse because I’ll be extra-sweaty.

But for you lucky enough to live in cold-ish climates this fall, you’re in luck! Fall fashion looks pretty awesome. So buy something new to put over all those turtlenecks/cardigans/boots/etc…and look fashion-forward before anyone else does. Here’s a list of some of the top fashion looks for fall:

Mustard colored pieces. I really love mustard clothes because I think it makes you look like a piece of furniture in your grandparents’ old, dark house in an awesome way. Yellow looks pretty nasty on most people, but who cares? You’ll be fashionable and if anyone tells you that you look jaundiced, just tell them that this color walked in New York Fashion Week.

Polka Dots. I thought that polka dots were for little girls, but the sophisticated—and small—polka dots on the runway look really wearable and good. Try to pick a color that isn’t too jarring, maybe a dark blue or a black, and temper it away from costume with a pair of jeans or a solid colored top.

Rust-colored coats. Yes, these look big and baggy like your father’s hunting jacket, but I think rust is a flattering color on almost anyone. If you’re bigger than a model (who isn’t?), you may want to try a more fitted blazer or jacket alternate. Try putting your blazer or jacket over a colorful, knitted sweater and you’ll look like a collegiate hottie even if you’re 45.

Choker necklaces. Seriously, I wore a choker necklace every day of my fifth grade career and only barely lived to tell the tale. The trend this season are thick, dog-collar chokers and they really, really look terrible. Nobody wants to bring back 1995, fashion industry, nobody.