December 2021

Animal Personhood

One acre is no home for an elephant. I live on half an acre and cannot imagine an elephant living in my backyard. It would be like a goldfish bowl. Elephants are incredibly smart, complex creatures and deserve room to roam and exercise like anyone else. That's why the Nonhuman Rights Project filed a writ of habeas corpus for Happy, an elephant in the Bronx Zoo who has lived on an acre of land for most of her life.

Trelani Michelle's Historical Poetry

It's incredible to see so many artists take to Patreon to sell their art these days, and some of it has so much meaning that you're really getting a lot more than art alone when you support an artist. Take Trelani Michelle. Not only is this creator interviewing Black folks from the South to catalog their lives and what they were like throughout history, but she's making them available in poetic readings and writings available on her Patreon.

The Best Family Guy Christmas

"Kiss Saves Santa" will always be something I'm grateful for. Thanks, Family Guy! It's too bad that it's not a real film because who wouldn't watch the heck out of that movie a la Peter Griffin? There ought to be some kind of rocker holiday movie every year in this vein. There have been so many Family Guy holiday episodes, so I'm wondering what everyone's favorite might be.

Human Chimeras are Real

The fact that human "chimeras" are real is a bit misleading. No, they aren't hybrids of different species, sporting tails, horns and feathers, although that could be cool and definitely exists within the world of fantasy fiction. They are simply humans who carry the DNA from multiple human beings in their bodies. Even so, it's still a pretty freaky phenomenon--especially when you realize you might be a human chimera yourself!

Vegetarian Swaps

While it's been years since I was a full-fledged vegetarian, I will still choose a vegetable dish over a meat-based one whenever possible. I think forgoing the meat is great for a lot of reasons, from environmental and ethical ones to simply getting more veggies in your body. Most of us don't get enough of them as it is, so it's a good idea to increase the amount of veggies we eat even if we remain omnivorous.

France is Farming Frogs

Farming animals has a long, complex history. It's very helpful in some ways, as it ensures a population won't be depleted, regulates conservation efforts and helps businesses grow. On the other hand, it can be very cruel and unethical, especially in terms of factory farms, and it can cause environmental problems to boot. Now that France is farming frogs for culinary purposes, I'm interested in hearing other frog lovers' thoughts on the matter.

Putting Our Dollars Where They Help Most

Most people who follow politics are asked for donations throughout the year, especially if they sign up for various newsletters or to stay up-to-date with causes they care about. This time of year those asks are really ramped up as organizations and politicians try to meet their end-of-the-year fundraising goals and set budgets for the new year. But who is the best to give to, and how far will your dollar go depending on your donation?

Strangest Drink Flavors

It's been a while since we've shared all of the weirdest flavors we've encountered, so let's post about some of the weirdest drink flavors we've had in 2021. My own range hasn't been that odd, but I've really enjoyed most of the new flavors I've tried this year. For starters, the Starbucks strawberry shortcake and apple frappe were both great surprises! I really didn't expect to love them, especially since they were replacing other drinks that I really love, but they both were phenomenal.

December Drink Ideas From Around the World

Most of us have sampled things like spiced eggnog or cranberry cocktails during the winter season, but there are so many other fun winter drinks to be had--some of them from all around the world! Check out these special drinks from Mexico, India and Puerto Rico, for example. None of them are super complicated, but they all offer complex flavors and a nice change of flavor in time for the holidays. Two of them are also warming drinks.

Last-Minute Holiday Deals

With only a week left until Christmas, many people are scrambling to meet last-minute holiday shopping goals for friends, family and other loved ones. But between delivery crunches and holiday crowds, many of us are looking especially hard to be able to shop from home and still get items in time for delivery on Christmas. So where are you finding the best deals?

Holiday Reads You Love

It's fun to read holiday books this time of year, but how do you know which ones you will enjoy? Each winter I end up sifting through many, many holiday reads that I don't like in order to find a gem or two. I'd love to see what you like to read during the Christmas season and try out some new books this year!

Tips for Better Breathing

After almost two years of Covid-19, many of us are finding ourselves with breathing issues, even after not evening knowing if we've had the illness or not. For some, long-hauler illness is now a daily concern. Others are finding themselves with COPD and other breathing illnesses, making it more important than ever to find ways to breathe better. Here are some of the best tips that I've found so far.

Nuclear Reactors 977 - Texas A&M University Is Researching The Causes Of Radiation Damage To Materials Used to Construct Nuclear Reactors

     New research by Texas A&M University scientists could help boost the efficiency of nuclear power reactors in the near future. Utilizing a combination of physics-based modeling and advanced simulations, they found the key underlying factors that cause radiation damage to nuclear reactors.

Radioactive Waste 831 - Idaho National Laboratory Celebrates Thirty Years Of Cleanu

     The U.S. Department of Energy (DoE) Office of Environmental Management (EM) is celebrating thirty years of cleanup work at the Idaho National Laboratory site. This work has been carried out to ensure the protection and safety of the underlying Snake Rive Plain aquifer in compliance with state and federal regulations.
