February 2010

Smoky Eyes are In, But is That a Good Thing?

The NY Times T-Magazine featured a photography shoot by photographer Greg Kessler of some of the Fashion Week Models. What made this pictoral special was the interactive feature allowing the viewer to move a bar to see the before and after make-up transformations.

Unlike a Covergirl makeover before-and-after spread that you might find in the covers of a glossy magazine, the models looked far better without their heavy make-up than with.

Sigrid Agren, the first model featured on the pages, looks like she has two black eyes with her make-up on, which is more than likely a result of the trend of applying thick red and blue eye shadow two inches beneath the eyes. (due to the interactive feature, she is not pictured here.)As one commenter put it,

Alexander McQueen, RIP

British fashion designer Alexander McQueen RIP. -- This morning, when the news flashed over the Internet many hoped it was just another hoax. Then, the major news outlets confirmed. -- "Alexander McQueen, one of Britain's most successful fashion designers, has been found dead at his home in London. A source close to the (McQueen family)  said that he appeared to have committed suicide although his office refused to comment. His death comes days after the death of his mother."
 (News Source: http://women.timesonline.co.uk/tol/life_and_style/women/fashion/article7...)