July 2020

Really Fun Things To Do Over Zoom

Many of us parents are scrambling to find fun things for our kids to do from home, and the list is short--especially for teens who miss their friends! I came across a list that suggested doing activities done on late night TV shows, which I thought was a fantastic idea!

You could play a game where people have to guess what you're holding, which is out of sight, or a game where they have to guess who said which quote. You can play lots of regular games, too, from Pictionary to Scattergories. 

Fun Strawberry Desserts for Summer

Summertime means strawberries where I live, and I am all about everything strawberry! I just love a good strawberry shortcake, and I love that so many strawberry desserts can be made into keto treats. 

I saw this recipe for a strawberry and cream cake that i know I HAVE to try! It's low-carb, which is good for me, and it's covered in my lovely strawberries! I also like a good strawberry milkshake. 

What strawberry treats are you creating this summer? Share them in the chat!

Watching 80s Hits During Covid

Most of my comfort movies are 80s flicks, even if some of them didn't age well. From Ghostbusters to Goonies, The Neverending Story to Care Bears, my childhood movies, where I've escaped before, help me escape from Covid today.

Unfortunately many of these movies don't meet the approval of my teen, who likes to point out how they didn't age well! While the kid enjoys some 80s movies, like three out of th four above, many others don't make the cut.

How about you? Which 80s movies do you escape into these days?  Share them in the chat!

Keeping Cats Calm and Happy

When my cats are distressed at the vet, sometimes they offer a towel sprayed with pheremones that significantly helps them calm down. This may not work for all cats but it has for mine in the past. It turns out that you can actually buy plug-ins that emit these scents into your home!

There are also supplements for cats, although I'm not sure if they work well or not. Obviously you can also remove cat stressors, provide privacy boxes and scratching posts and otherwise help alleviate stress.
How do you help your cats chil out at home?

Scandinavian Cow Herding

When I think of Scandinavian cow herding, I can't help but imagine Rose Nyland, whom I'm sure would be a pro at it. But this video demonstrates what it actually sounds like, which is unlike anything I thought it would! It's silly to expect "moos" when it's such a beautiful song.

I do love unexpected videos, regarding animals or humans, especially when it's a delightful surprise in the end. Sometimes that is all it takes to bring a little joy to our lives!

Chaffle And Waffle Sandwiches

When my husband worked at Target and messaged me on Black Friday to ask if we could get a waffle maker that was on sale for eight bucks, little did I know how useful that baby would be! Since then, we've made waffles, both of the sugary and keto varieties, and chaffles, made with cheese, eggs and other ingredients. All of these are great for sandwich making!

Crafts for Shark Month

It's summer and lots of kids are all about the sharks! With so many of us at home instead of the beach, we can use this opportunity to learn about sharks at home and make lots of shark crafts.

One of my favorite shark crafts is a shark head. You can make this out of felt or any other fabric you like with a pattern, or you can make one a la the god Maui on Moana with some printables. It's always a hit with the kids who like to play shark!

Poetry Through Tough Times

I don't know about you, but I've had some pretty dark days throughout this virus. Many days are fine and many are dull but some have been pretty gloomy. I've struggled to sleep a lot and, while I've had panic attacks before, having them while going to sleep is new. I do find that music and poetry help to not only relax me but to process my feelings, too.

Kanye West Thinks He Can Be President

As ridiculous as Kanye West for president sounds, can we really blame him? After the last three and a half years, it's clear that ANY moron can be POTUS and, you know, make terrible decisions that result in the loss of over 120,000 Americans. Hilary might've mandated masks and staying home with a stimulus to get it all under control, but her EMAILS, y'all.

So Yeezy thinks he can be president and do a better job after renouncing his MAGA hat... and a vaccine. Sigh. Yes, because that's what we need, another celeb win who doesn't know jack about... well, anything.

Nuclear Reactors 799 - Africa Is Pushing Sales Of Nuclear Technology To African Nations For Profit And Influence - Part 1 of 2 Parts

Part 1 of 2 Parts
        Russia is working hard to sell nuclear technology to nations in Africa. Part of the push for sales is simply the desire to bring in more money. Another reason for the push is to extend Russia’s political influence in Africa.
