December 2021

Nuclear Reactors 978 - Why Nuclear Power Is Uneconomical And Will Not Help Mitigate Climate Change - Part 1 of 2 Parts

Part 1 of 2 Parts
     There is a debate raging over whether protecting the climate will require more nuclear power plants. Saving the most carbon per dollar and per years requires not just generators that do not use fossil fuels but also requires those power sources that are deployable with the least cost and time. So nuclear power is not a solution to climate change.

Cool Ideas for Luminarias

There's something so lovely and magical about luminarias, especially the simple ones made to line up a walkway during the winter season. Lots of people love the look of a more intricate design, and I can't disagree. I've made jar luminarias with color and decorations that I've loved. But something about a rustic paper bag craft with a simple light just generates feelings of warmth and comfort.

People Actually Hunt Puffins as Trophies

Iceland is full of adorable puffins that look like a bunch of toys come to life. If you've ever been to the puffin exhibit at the zoo--and we never miss it when we go--you know how cute they are and how much fun it is to just watch them swim or hop around. That's why it strikes me as so strange that people would want to hunt them to display as trophy hunters. I suppose if people are willing to do it to gorillas, who look and are so much like us, I shouldn't be surprised.

Is there Life on Venus?

Venus might seem like it's too hot of an environment to be hospitable to anything alive, but we know that there are plenty of critters--especially when it comes to tiny ones, like bacteria--who can thrive in extreme environments. The tardigrade alone is such an impressive tenant of so many environments it might as well be known as a Tardis-igrade!

Starting Seeds Indoors

For most of us, it's way too early to start seeds indoors, unless you have some cute mini-greenhouses, a cool indoor lighting setup or other means of growing early. All of those things are super cool, but I have to admit that I'm already thinking about my spring sowing. It's barely winter and I know I want a bunch of cool weather crops to harvest and eat soon. I miss my fresh greens!

Stop the Planned Slaughter of Bison in Yellowstone

As folks enjoy the latest season of Yellowstone, the actual park has a very big problem. There's a planned slaughter of 900 to 1100 bison scheduled for this winter, which will eliminate more than 20% of the park's population. This cruel move will allow hunters to come in and shoot the bison, as well as trap them to be killed at slaughterhouses.

Rest in Peace, Thomas Kinsella

If you've ever studied the poems "The Táin" and "Butcher’s Dozen" in school, you already know about Thomas Kinsella. Ireland celebrates the famous poet as one of their best, but Kinsella is also known as a teacher who taught in the United States for many years. Since 1958, when his first major collection was published, Kinsella has made a household name for himself among the most descriptive and talented poets. 
